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Ageas marks 10th anniversary of its brand

Ten years ago, while our company was emerging from the aftermath of the financial crisis, we launched “Ageas” as a new insurance brand to the market. A brand with a fresh, dynamic look and feel. One that felt very different. The colored circles in the logo reflect different regions, different cultures, different languages; an unbroken network that stays connected to gain strength, and crosses paths to share and learn.

In the name Ageas “AG” is a nod to our Belgian roots dating back to 1824, “EA” refers to our two main markets – Europe and Asia – and “AS” stands for Assurance.

Who could have imagined at that time that in 10 years Ageas would be:

  • Present in 14 countries across Europe and Asia

  • Employing 45,000 employees

  • Supported by many strong partnerships with companies who share our values and ambitions for the future, within and beyond insurance

  • Serving 37 million customers

  • Contributing towards society’s greatest challenges

  • Delivering strong results, which reached a record high of EUR 979 million in 2019

**Click here and discover** some of the highlights of those 10 years.

When Ageas was introduced to the world, it was accompanied by the slogan “We love the future” underscoring our determination to focus on a prosperous future. Today, also in times of current COVID-19 crisis, that phrase is just as valid. We still “love the future” and we equally want to be a “Supporter of your life” in good and challenging times.