Share buy-back

Ageas completes its 2021-2022 share buy-back programme

Ageas completes its 2021-2022 share buy-back programme

Ageas completed on Friday 29 July 2022 the share buy-back programme announced on 11 August 2021. Between 1 September 2021 and 29 July 2022, Ageas has bought back 3,465,314 shares corresponding to 1.83 % of the total shares outstanding and totaling EUR 150 million.

The 1,301,941 shares bought back until 31 December 2021 within the 2021-2022 programme, were cancelled following the decision of the General meeting of shareholders held on 18 May 2022. Ageas currently holds the 2,092,148 shares bought back since 31 December 2021 as treasury shares, taking into account deducted shares used for senior management share-plans. Together with other treasury shares held by Ageas, the total number of shares now owned amounts to 3,21% of shares issued.

The overview of the completed share buy-back programme is available on our website.

The final transactions in the period 25 July 2022 until 29 July 2022 are the following:

Date Number ofShares Total amount(EUR) Average price(EUR) Lowest price(EUR) Highest price(EUR)
25-07-2022 5,337 220,012 41.22 40.81 41.40
26-07-2022 5,333 220,848 41.41 41.27 41.55
27-07-2022 5,289 220,032 41.60 41.28 41.86
28-07-2022 5,461 226,548 41.48 41.07 41.90
29-07-2022 4,681 197,350 42.16 41.49 42.54
Total 26,101 1,084,791 41.56 40.81 42.54