
AgeSA: a new name in the Turkish Life insurance and private pension market

At the start of 2021, Ageas closed the acquisition of a 40% stake in the Turkish Life Insurer and Private Pension Provider AvivaSA.

On 5 July 2021, at an online press conference hosted by the company’s CEO and both partners in the joint venture, Sabanci Holding and Ageas,  the company’s future ambitions were set out and the new name ‘AgeSA’ and brand identity were revealed.

That identity aligns closely with the Ageas purpose to be a ‘Supporter of your life’ and is based on two main elements: ‘solidarity’ and ‘goodness’.

As Firat Kuruca, AgeSA’s CEO put it: “AgeSA’s purpose is to create goodness for its customers and society at large. The boomerang logo represents that customer promise: Every investment our customers make and every step they take with AgeSA should revert back to them in the form of goodness.”

Commenting on the official launch of AgeSA, Hans De Cuyper, Ageas CEO, said: “With the launch of the new name AgeSA, we are now really ready to kick off this new partnership. Building on the strong market position of AgeSA, its sustainable solid performance and a proven company culture, we look forward to adding our global insurance expertise, turning this venture into a long-term success for both AgeSA and Ageas.”

Haluk Dinçer, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of AgeSA and Financial Group President of Sabancı Holding, added: “From the perspective of Sabancı Holding, Ageas is our partner, in whose experience and power we have great confidence and with whom we are excited to join forces.”